I've finished the commission for the Regional Water Quality Control Plant and Household Hazardous Waste Station in Palo Alto, CA. The RWQCP&HHW (!!) is sited right at Baylands a conservation area on the South SF Bay marshes. It's a haven for migrating birds and a great visual manifestation of the water cycle, or at least what we have of it this year. This piece will be installed at the public entry to the facility that is used by householders and educational groups. The installation is scheduled for April.
UPDATE - June 11th, I installed the piece at the entry to the plant. Photos here. The landscaping is nearly complete and I'll soon be starting the mural that accompanies this piece. There's an open day planned sometime late summer when the whole project is complete.
![]() It's Jan 2nd 2014, and the first piece of work this brand new year is to complete a commission for The City of Palo Alto - eight wooden posts with a composition that runs across them in carved relief, paint, and metal. That spell of freezing weather in December kept me out of the studio long enough that I didn't get them finished so have a few days of work left. I should install them sometime in the next couple of months but here they are in their current state. 2013 was a good year for making some painting progress - I found some new avenues to go down, a few dead-ends, but most leading to some interesting new places to explore. I wrapped up the year by completing the three 24 x 24 pieces below. They all started off intending to be pieces for the Woody Guthrie series that made up my Made For You and Me show, but these three never quite made it. They'd been incomplete and unloved for many months, but enough time had past for me to forget the original intentions and look at them afresh. Eventually they became three very different pieces, from each other, and from my original ideas for them. |
September 2022