Hello Friends – I hope your 2020 has started well. I have some news of shows coming up this year. Left Coast Juried Annual Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA Reception April 10th, 7-9pm The painting below will be included in this annual group show at Sanchez Art Center in Pacifica. This year’s show was juried by Carin Adams, Curator of Art at Oakland Museum of California, and will show 50 artworks selected from 980 entries. Ian’s Place, 2018, 48 x 96, is based on a photograph plus the recollected image of an old friend’s small mid-century house located where the forest meets the beach on a secluded stretch of New Zealand coast.
Elder Gallery of Contemporary Art Charlotte, NC Opening reception May 14th I’m excited to be starting work with this gallery which mixes an established heritage with a great vision for it’s future work. In this four-artist group show that contemplates concepts of home, I'll be contributing some recent paintings and a large installation that I will build on-site in the gallery in May. www.eldergalleryclt.com Sue Greenwood Fine Art Laguna Beach, CA August/September SGFA is another gallery that I’ll be working with for the first time. This will be a two person show alongside an artist who’s work I’ve admired for years. I’m really looking forward to announcing details closer to the time! www.suegreenwoodfineart.com As always, I appreciate your continued interest and support, Martin
September 2022