Design/Artisan Projects
I aim for my public art projects to connect visually and conceptually with my studio art. However, sometimes projects outside my own personal art present themselves and they're always interesting to do.
Brewery Restaurant Mural

I was asked to make a 16 x 9ft WPA style mural for a new restaurant. Farmworkers harvesting corn and a triumphant brewer turning the grain to beer. Being a fan both of the WPA era style, and of working large, I took it on and gave it my own spin.
The piece was made on panels at The Compound Studios in Oakland and installed at BJ's Restaurant in Santa Rosa CA. It's amazing how what appeared to be a huge piece in the studio looks so much more modest in its final destination.
Planter, Mountain View

A six foot diameter concrete planter in the public walkway of a new residential development in Mountain View, CA. The concrete is cut and colored to tie in with colors in the landscaping and a flock of stainless-steel birds wraps around the form.